As the title suggests, woohoo indeed. Had a pretty good distance run today, probably for the first time since I started training for this thingy.
16k in 1 hour 49 minutes and 50 seconds. Not overly excited by my time, but I had picked a challenging route and more importantly, I did the first 9k without needing to stop once! Never made it that far before, either in terms of total distance or in terms of distance gone without stopping. So needless to say, I am well pleased! Hence the woohoo.
I did realise my gluteus maximus isn't quite the lean powerhouse I had envisaged. Work needed there me thinks - Might keep it simple though, like trying to cram in a couple hundred body weight squats/lunges every coupe of days, to specifically target that muscle group and test its endurance.
I did find afterwards however that keeping food down was a major challenge - I felt sick for a good hour or so after I finished. It might have been the protein shake I had right afterwards which by own admission I pretty much downed in a gulp. I was starving and it was an easy filling ok so back off! :P
Oh and the leg cramps! Holy sh*t. Atleast when they're in my calf or something like that I know how to stretch it off - what the fudge do you do for inside thigh???? Couldn't get up for a bit. I'm guessing logical reasoning suggests general lack of hydration (I took a Lucozade but no plain water...I know, I silly!)
I'm feeling pretty good. On race day (8 weeks to the day!) I will have a flat course, adrenaline pumping and I will have built up to that distance (so not feeling like I'm doing it for the first time!). I am hoping to have developed the muscles in my backside a bit so I should be set to go for a decent time - I think 2 hour 20 minutes should be reasonable, although I know that does mean running further and quicker than I currently am! I like a challenge. Muaha.
The Neon Fish
8 years ago
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